Painting is a joy ...Have fun!

“Have fun!” This is Antonino’s only recommendation when navigating his website.


In an instant, life seems to be thwarted by a violent wind. A tornado that whirls everything around, from material goods to the depths of the soul and the hidden corners of thought. Like snow melting in the sun, certainties become liquid, but new horizons open up in the abyss of the storm. It is an overwhelming experience that, despite its turbulence, allows us to discover ways of living, existing and perceiving that previously seemed hidden in the silence of everyday life.

Red, yellow and green swirls with black and white details, on a beige background
Red, yellow and green swirls with black and white details, on a beige background
Colorful swirls weaving into each other.
Colorful swirls weaving into each other.
Rechte Seite Aeolus-Gemälde, Detail: Flecken, die einem Holzfloß ähneln, das den Wellen hilflos ausgeliefert ist.
Rechte Seite Aeolus-Gemälde, Detail: Flecken, die einem Holzfloß ähneln, das den Wellen hilflos ausgeliefert ist.


90x90cm. Mixed media on canvas


Detail of the painted side on the left


Detail of the painted side on the right

Say it with

your own words!

It is as if you are in a spiral of overwhelming feelings, in a moment full of meaning. You would like to express it in beautiful sentences, as quickly as possible, before the moment when everything seems clear disappears. But your mind gets lost in the basket of words that need to be washed, looking for the “right” words, the words that are already clean. In this state, you emit an unintelligible babble, a barely audible echo of the deep reflections trapped in your head. You realise that there are writers for these things and poets before them ... and the “painting” begins.

Simulation of a handwritten letter. Text in black with multicoloured shading on a yellow background
Simulation of a handwritten letter. Text in black with multicoloured shading on a yellow background
Simulation of a handwritten text by Antonino. Original drawing on paper.
Simulation of a handwritten text by Antonino. Original drawing on paper.

Say it with your own words!

100x80cm. Mixed media on canvas

Say it with your own words!

Original text drawing

So wrote...


In search of beauty and deeper communication in visual representations of different forms of writing.

Participants are invited to simulate a handwritten text using the letters of the alphabet and other characters used in writing. They must make sure that the words do not have a complete meaning, i.e. that they have no semantic content. The order of the individual letters must be random and, if possible, must not represent comprehensible words graphically. Another requirement is that the movements of the joints remain as natural as possible when writing.

The work consists of the interaction between these writings and the painting. Antonino draws on, next to or over them and explores the lines, symbols and shapes that make them up. The whole is intended to lead to a broader communicative connection that goes beyond the boundaries of conventional language.

Painting of a simulated text and white drawings on an orange background
Painting of a simulated text and white drawings on an orange background

So wrote Augusta Sava

90x90cm. Mixed media on canvas

So wrote Michelle Schick

90x90cm. Mixed media on canvas

So wrote Delfio Plantemoli

90x90cm. Mixed media on canvas

Perspective view of the painting, with coloured border and 4.5 cm high
Perspective view of the painting, with coloured border and 4.5 cm high

So wrote Augusta Sava

Detail 01

The handwritten text on paper, by Augusta Sava
The handwritten text on paper, by Augusta Sava

So wrote Augusta Sava

Drawing of the original text

Painting of a simulated text and white drawings on a pink background
Painting of a simulated text and white drawings on a pink background
Perspective view of the painting, with coloured border and 4.5 cm high
Perspective view of the painting, with coloured border and 4.5 cm high

So wrote Michelle Schick

Detail 01

The handwritten text on paper, by Michelle Schick
The handwritten text on paper, by Michelle Schick

So wrote Michelle Schick

Drawing of the original text

Painting of a simulated golden text with light yellow decorations, on a background in various shades of green
Painting of a simulated golden text with light yellow decorations, on a background in various shades of green
Perspective view of the painting, with coloured border and 4.5 cm high
Perspective view of the painting, with coloured border and 4.5 cm high
The handwritten text on paper, by Delfio Plantemoli
The handwritten text on paper, by Delfio Plantemoli

So wrote Delfio Plantemoli

Detail 01

So wrote Delfio Plantemoli

Drawing of the original text


Do not stand still. Move, hop, jump. This constant bouncing from one point to another creates an energy that prevents you from being swallowed up or absorbed by solid or muddy surfaces. Yes, it is true, one is forced to remain in constant motion, but this dynamism becomes the engine of life. In these bounces one finds the freedom to explore, to challenge inertia, giving a feeling of vibrancy that this constant movement can offer.

Spherical objects bouncing on swirling surfaces
Spherical objects bouncing on swirling surfaces
Perspective view of the painting with 20 mm high border
Perspective view of the painting with 20 mm high border
Original drawing on paper, hand sketched
Original drawing on paper, hand sketched


90x90cm. Mixed media on canvas


Detail 01


Original drawing on paper


A volcanic explosion is a frightening and destructive tumult, a cataclysm that shakes the earth to its roots. The pain of facing such a catastrophe is like an open wound, deep and pervasive. However, in the midst of that chaos, there is the certainty of rebirth. After the storm of lava and ash, the earth is transformed into a fertile forge. Life is regenerated with extraordinary strength, bringing with it the beauty of resilience and the energy of a new beginning.

Volcanic column in eruption, stylised. Orange, red and yellow, decorated in black and white on a pink background
Volcanic column in eruption, stylised. Orange, red and yellow, decorated in black and white on a pink background
Perspective view with coloured border, 20 mm high
Perspective view with coloured border, 20 mm high
Detail of the painting oriented to reflect light from the glossy surfaces
Detail of the painting oriented to reflect light from the glossy surfaces


24x30cm. Mixed media on canvas


Detail 01


Detail 02


at break time

On a hot summer day, the time for an unusual break arrives. Exactly at midday, in the now empty and dusty field after the harvest, the scarecrow decides it is time to stretch after long hours of immobility. In an act of extravagance, he abandons his fixed position and launches himself into an acrobatic walk on his hands. It is a fantastic spectacle: the scarecrow, used to peering into infinity without moving, now dances upside down, preferring to look at the world from another perspective as it lifts clouds of dust into the warm embrace of the sun.

Stylised figure of a scarecrow walking on its hands, with decorative motifs on a yellow background
Stylised figure of a scarecrow walking on its hands, with decorative motifs on a yellow background
Detail: scarecrow’s face, with tin hat, straw-yellow face and red shirt
Detail: scarecrow’s face, with tin hat, straw-yellow face and red shirt
Enlarged detail of the decorative design simulating dust, with black on a yellow background
Enlarged detail of the decorative design simulating dust, with black on a yellow background

Scarecrow at break time

50x140cm. Mixed media on canvas

Scarecrow at break time

Detail 01

Scarecrow at break time

Detail 02


Here is the athletic gesture. An enchanting choreography between effort and elegance. The dance of a ritual involving mind and body.

Athlete 16
Athlete 16
Athlete 12
Athlete 12
Athlete 09
Athlete 09
Athlete 08
Athlete 08
Athlete 07
Athlete 07
Athlete 01
Athlete 01

Athlete No. 16


Black glossy varnish on coated paper

Athlete No. 12


Black glossy varnish on coated paper

Athlete No. 09


Black glossy varnish on coated paper

Athlete No. 08


Black glossy varnish on coated paper

Athlete No. 07


Black glossy varnish on coated paper

Athlete No. 01


Black glossy varnish on coated paper

Eyes on you

That moment when you feel all eyes on you is like an illuminated stage. There is a sweet euphoria in the glow of admiration, a warmth that envelops when your achievements are applauded. But under that bright light, you also feel the subtle weight of expectations. Some rejoice with you, but others seem to wait anxiously, almost eager to see a misstep. It is a delicate balance between the joy of being the centre of attention and the knowledge that your every move is scrutinised by eager eyes for a fall.

A half-open curtain scribbled in red tones, with many eyes on a blue background
A half-open curtain scribbled in red tones, with many eyes on a blue background
Detail: Eyes with black pupil on blue scribbled background
Detail: Eyes with black pupil on blue scribbled background
Detail of the curtain drawn with lines and scribbles in various shades of red and yellow
Detail of the curtain drawn with lines and scribbles in various shades of red and yellow

Eyes on you

140x100cm. Mixed media on canvas

Eyes on you

Detail 01

Eyes on you

Detail 02

Open labyrinths

Neither a single style nor a single theme. From labyrinth to labyrinth, Antonino explores the depths of the human soul and the facets of the ever-changing world.

Antonino uses a wide range of painting techniques and materials to realise his subjects. His works range from acrylic to oil painting, watercolour to various mixed media, creating a vibrant dialogue between colour, form and texture.

Drawing of an urban elevation with curved, swaying skyscrapers in vivid colours
Drawing of an urban elevation with curved, swaying skyscrapers in vivid colours

Enveloping city


Mixed media on 330g textured paper

Zeichnung einer Stadtansicht mit gekritzelten und unaufgeräumten Wolkenkratzern in leuchtenden Farben
Zeichnung einer Stadtansicht mit gekritzelten und unaufgeräumten Wolkenkratzern in leuchtenden Farben

Wanted to be Las Vegas


Mixed media on 330g textured paper

Below: Casting acrylic colours in pastel shades of pink and light blue; Above, with the black pen: soft, round shapes
Below: Casting acrylic colours in pastel shades of pink and light blue; Above, with the black pen: soft, round shapes

Dream bag


Mixed media on 330g textured paper

Map of fantasy city, coloured in shades of red and green on gold-coloured streets
Map of fantasy city, coloured in shades of red and green on gold-coloured streets
Map of fantasy city, coloured in shades of blue, purple and green on golden streets
Map of fantasy city, coloured in shades of blue, purple and green on golden streets
Fantasy city map, coloured in shades of orange, violet and blue on golden streets
Fantasy city map, coloured in shades of orange, violet and blue on golden streets

Open labyrinth 01

52x52cm. Acrylic colours on wood

Open labyrinth 02

52x52cm. Acrylic colours on wood

Open labyrinth 03

100x70cm. Acrylic colours on canvas

Design with a large number of round shapes in white and orange on decorations painted in black
Design with a large number of round shapes in white and orange on decorations painted in black
Black and white drawing with a handwritten fancy word and other decorative marks
Black and white drawing with a handwritten fancy word and other decorative marks

Lightness in White and Orange


Acrylic markers on corrugated cardboard

Lightness of July 2023


Acrylic markers on coated paper



© 2024 Antonino Tindaro Ricciardo.

All rights reserved